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Orlu State: knowing who the mover of the motion Ugochinyere is, we Won't take it as joke -James Ugwu

opera.com 2024/6/30

Chief Hon James Ugwu, Chairman of the Adada State Creation Movement, has shared his thoughts on the bill for the creation of Orlu State in the Southeast of Nigeria. He stated that creating a new state involves more than just discussing it in the National Assembly. According to him, there are specific steps outlined in Section 8 (1) of the Nigerian Constitution. He said these steps require the signatures of various stakeholders, such as local government chairmen, councillors, and legislators, who must all agree and sign a request for the new state.

In a report recently shared by The Sun, Chief Ugwu said the person who proposed the motion, Hon. Ikenga Ugochinyere, has strong connections with the House of Representatives' leadership. Ugwu said he and his team won't take this issue as a joke.

In Chief Ugwu's words: "Knowing who the mover of the motion, Hon. Ugochinyere, is and his closeness to the leadership of the House of Representatives, we would also not take it completely as a joke. Something else may be in it".

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