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Robert Alai Slams Kenyan Media for Appointing Weak Journalists for President Ruto's Round Table

opera.com 6 days ago

Robert Alai, a prominent ODM MCA, has unleashed scathing criticism against major Kenyan media houses following their panel selection for President Ruto's questioning at State House tonight. Alai's remarks came after Eric Latiff was appointed for KTN, Linus Kaikai for Citizen, and Joe Ageyo for NTV, sparking controversy over the impartiality of the chosen journalists.

Alai didn't hold back, declaring, "No meaningful questions you can get from Kaikai and Ageyo. Part of the media cartel." His criticism was aimed at what he perceives as biased reporting and a lack of accountability among Kenya's leading media conglomerates, NMG and Royal Media Services. According to Alai, these entities share responsibility for stifling local freedoms and transparency.

"Only Latiff is good," Alai proclaimed, seemingly endorsing Eric Latiff's capability among the chosen journalists. The outburst highlights Alai's frustration with what he views as entrenched biases within Kenyan media, particularly during critical political events.

The announcement has sparked a heated debate across social media platforms, with supporters and critics voicing their opinions on Alai's allegations. Many users echoed his sentiments, expressing concern over media objectivity and its impact on democratic processes in Kenya. Conversely, others defended the journalistic integrity of the selected panelists, arguing that they are experienced professionals capable of conducting fair and thorough interviews.

As the nation prepares for President Ruto's anticipated address, the controversy surrounding media representation promises to intensify. Observers speculate on how Alai's comments will influence public perception and media dynamics moving forward. Stay tuned as this story develops, and join the conversation on whether Alai's critique reflects deeper issues within Kenyan media or if it's a case of political maneuvering ahead of a pivotal national event.

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