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What It Means When You Have The Call And Anointing Of The Holy Spirit Upon Your Life -Mike Bamiloye

opera.com 2024/10/5

Concerns expressed by Evangelist Mike Bamiloye in a recent Facebook post about the departure of trusted associates or members from churches are shared by many ministry leaders. A person's calling and relationship with God, not their social circle, are the sources of genuine ministry strength, according to Bamiloye. Depending on people to prop you up in ministry, he said, is a sign that you don't understand where your authority and calling come from.

He added that leaders whose faith is threatened by the departure of a trusted associate are putting their reliance in that person rather than in God. No one can diminish the significance of your vocation and service if you are standing firmly in God's presence and have the Word of Life spoken aloud and the call of God upon your life, he avers. The reason you should be worried for your ministry's stability when a trustworthy Associate departs is because they were the one who gave you your authority and strength as a minister.

"Relax if they go from you because you are unwavering in your commitment to righteousness and godliness; if you are on the right side of God and have not strayed to follow Satan, then you are in the right place. Old leaves must fall in order for new ones to grow. In order for new, larger branches to sprout, older ones must eventually die off. You have precious ministerial credentials if you have a divine calling, the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and the ability to speak the Word of God: His departure or resignation cannot be used to undermine your ministry. Leaves and brittle branches are all that fall from the tree, even if 60% of the choir and workers go to another church or minister.

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