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Europe's center ground shifts further to the right

opera.com 4 days ago

Europe's gradual shift to the right has been a lengthy process, with mainstream politics increasingly embracing Euro critical views that were once considered fringe.

Although the projected gains for the hard right in the European parliamentary elections might seem modest in terms of sheer numbers, they are quite significant.

These results pose a major challenge to the pro-Europe mainstream officials who currently dominate the institutions of the European Union.

While the successes of far-right parties were not entirely unexpected and do not constitute an existential threat to the EU, they do indicate that the Euroskeptic right could, in the coming years, exert more influence over the union's direction.

In the next 24 hours, the center parties—expected to remain the largest bloc in the European Parliament—will likely discuss forming a "grand coalition" to counter the rise of the far right. Despite the far right's projected gains, the center parties still hold the lead.

On paper, these pro-EU parties can claim victory. Based on the numbers alone, the centrist coalition has held its ground. The center-right European People’s Party, the center-left Socialists and Democrats, and the liberal Renew Europe remain the three largest groups in the European Parliament. Including the pro-Europe Greens, the center constitutes by far the largest bloc.

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