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David Ndii Recommends the Appointment of Justice Maraga to Resolve the Challenges Facing the Youth

opera.com 4 days ago

David Ndii has suggested that Justice David Maraga be appointed in order to assist in addressing the issues that the nation's youth are currently facing.

David Ndii thinks that a lot of people in the nation respect David Maraga. David Ndii is adamant that a large number of people nationwide have lost trust in church leaders.

He disclosed that church leaders have long been collecting funding from dishonest politicians. They are among the issues that Kenyans must deal with. President William Ruto has been urged by the economic advisor to arrange a sincere conversation with the nation's youth. The president has been briefed by David Ndii that the Kenyan government needs to come up with some real remedies for the current predicament.

Protests against the contentious Finance Bill have drawn large crowds across the nation.

They claim that the government is taxing Kenyans unfairly, which will cause a great deal of misery for a large number of people. Over the past three days, church leaders have been meeting with President William Ruto. He has exhorted religious leaders to engage with Kenya's youth.

He thinks the church can make a significant contribution to the nation. David Ndii is presently employed by the government as an economic counsellor. President William Ruto appointed him following the general elections in 2022.

President William Ruto and he have had a close friendship for a long time.

David Ndii is presently employed by the government as an economic counsellor. President William Ruto appointed him following the general elections in 2022.

President William Ruto and he have had a close friendship for a long time. David Ndii has come under fire for his conceit towards Kenyans. In the past few months, he has been acting brutally towards Kenyans. The nation is in turmoil over this.

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