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Political Class Won’t Support Parliamentary System – Ex-Irish Mayor

opera.com 1 day ago

According to news published by Punch, Former Mayor of Portlaoise, Rotimi Adebari, believes Nigeria's political elite will resist a return to a parliamentary system of governance. Adebari argues that entrenched interests within the current presidential system prioritize personal gain over national progress, hindering systemic reform.

Adebari suggests that a parliamentary system, akin to the UK's, could decentralize power and foster regional development. He highlights historical parallels between Nigeria and the UK, proposing a model where Nigeria's six geopolitical zones operate as semi-autonomous entities under a federal umbrella.

In advocating for parliamentary governance, Adebari emphasizes the potential for enhanced accountability and grassroots representation. He contrasts this with Nigeria's current system, which he argues concentrates power and limits democratic participation.

Critics of the parliamentary system cite potential challenges in its adaptation to Nigeria's diverse cultural and political landscape. They raise concerns over stability and effective governance amidst regional disparities and historical grievances.

Despite challenges, Adebari remains optimistic about the system's potential to foster inclusive governance and economic development. He urges a national dialogue to explore reform options, emphasizing public engagement in shaping Nigeria's political future.

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