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Top 7 questions to ask before getting married

opera.com 2 days ago

Before marriage, it is important to ask your spouse these questions to ensure a long-lasting and healthy relationship. Ask your these top key questions.

Getting married is one of the most important aspects of life. It's vital to make sure that you and your partner are fully aware of the important details about each other's life. Here are seven questions you need to ask your partner before you get married.

1. What is purpose?

This is the first and most important question you should ask your partner. 

Questions like: what is your purpose? What is your vision? Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years? These questions should not be assumed. 

3. What are your Financial Aspirations and lifestyle? 

Money is very essential in every home as it is one of the leading causes of conflict in marriage. Questions to consider include: 

What are your financial plans, and goals? What’s your take on corporate account? Is it our money or your money? 

4. Do You Want Children? If Yes, When and How Many?

It's important to talk about your desire for children and your expectations regarding the number and timing of having kids. And questions like:

When do you want to bear children and how many children? What parenting styles and values should be inculcated? the Kind of discipline and training that will be applied. What are your expectations for balancing work and personal life? 

These conversations help ensure both partners are aware of what to do and not do.

5. Partner’s Medical history 

For a sweet long-lasting relationship, couples should ensure they ask questions like: 

What is your genotype, Family medical history, HIV status, Fertility status, blood group, and Rhesus factor? This is an important question you should ask before marriage.

6. What Are Your Expectations For Household Obligations? 

Discussing household chores beforehand can prevent anger and ensure an equitable distribution of tasks. Ask questions like: 

How do you perceive the division of chores? What measures do you take to maintain the cleanliness of your house? What’s your take on hiring a house help? 

7. What is your love language?

Love languages are a must-know. You might be giving gifts while your partner's love language is quality time.

Their love language might be an act of service, gifts, or quality time….

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