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Bahati Faces Emotional Turmoil After Receiving Message About His Mother

opera.com 1 day ago

Kenyan singer Kevin 'Bahati' Kioko is grappling with a mix of disbelief and hope after receiving a direct message from a woman who claims his mother is still alive. This revelation comes years after Bahati shared the story of his mother’s death and its profound impact on his life.

The message was from Mildred, who introduced herself as Bahati’s stepsister. Mildred claimed that Bahati’s biological mother is alive and often becomes emotional when she sees him on TV. She provided contact information, urging Bahati to reach out and hear the full story from his mother.

Bahati has consistently shared that both his parents are deceased, with his mother passing away when he was very young. In a 2022 interview with his wife, Diana Marua, he recounted how his mother’s death, which occurred when he was just six years old, significantly altered the course of his life.

“My mum and dad lived in Huruma. I have seen the good and bad times of Mathare. I remember I was six years old when I lost my mum. I was going to class one…it was on Christmas day. I think losing a mum changes everything. She was my only source of hope and the other alternative was to be left upcountry after her burial,” he said.

Bahati tearfully shared how he fought to stay in Nairobi after his mother’s burial, clinging to the city in hopes of a better future. His mother’s death, which he attributed to inadequate health facilities in Mathare, motivated him to venture into politics to improve the lives of his constituents.

The unexpected message has left fans concerned for Bahati. Many have urged him to be cautious, warning that such messages could be attempts to exploit his emotions and possibly his finances.

What action Bahati will take in response to this message is yet to be seen. The singer has yet to publicly announce any steps he will take to verify the claims made by Mildred. This unexpected revelation has undoubtedly stirred emotions and memories for Bahati, who continues to navigate his path amid personal and professional challenges.


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