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No Catholic is supposed to go there – Fr. Ugwu Urges Catholics Against Attending Zion Ministry

opera.com 5 days ago

Father Kelvin Ugwu and Evangelist Chukwuebuka Anozie Obi, the founder of Zion Prayer Movement and Outreach Ministry

Reverend Father Kelvin Ugwu has taken to Facebook to defend a previous post in which he criticized Evangelist Chukwuebuka Anozie Obi, founder of Zion Prayer Movement and Outreach Ministry.

Fr. Ugwu's initial criticism focused on Obi's alleged appropriation of Catholic practices for his ministry, despite not being affiliated with the Catholic Church.

"Keep all your insults and your usual anthem of how Fr. Kelvin is jealous one side," began Fr. Ugwu's latest post, addressing the backlash he received.

He emphasized the need to highlight important points, asserting that Zion ministry is entirely separate from the Catholic Church.

"One very important conclusion we have all come to agree on is that Zion ministry has nothing to do with the Catholic Church. Full stop!" he declared.

Fr. Ugwu accused the founder of Zion ministry of building the organization on deception, misleading Catholics into believing it was a Catholic prayer ministry.

"We have also agreed that the minister built the ministry by deceiving Catholics and making them believe that the ministry is a Catholic prayer ministry. In other words, it was founded on deception. That is not a good thing," he wrote.

He stressed that Catholics should not attend the Zion ministry, as it lacks approval from Catholic bishops.

"If you are a Catholic and you claim that you are a Catholic, the bishop has not approved of the ministry. In fact, no Catholic is supposed to go there. Doing so is disobedience. Full stop," Fr. Ugwu asserted.

He further insisted that supporters of the Zion ministry should refrain from promoting it as a Catholic entity and from referring to Obi as a "staunch Catholic."

"Stop using the name of Catholic to do so. Stop also referring to your minister as a staunch Catholic, unless you are so ignorant of what being a 'Staunch Catholic' means," he emphasized.

Fr. Ugwu clarified that his intent was not to prevent anyone from participating in the Zion ministry but to guide Catholics according to the teachings and directives of the Church.

"No one stops you from going there. But as for now, you can't be a Catholic and a Zionist at the same time. You choose one and stick to it and nobody will beat you," he wrote.

The clergyman described his role as a Catholic priest as one ordained to guide Catholics and Christians, aiming to clear up confusion rather than to impede spiritual practices.

"All I am doing here is to help you so that you stop confusing things. I am not against whatever spiritual good you feel you are gaining there. I am speaking in my capacity as a Catholic priest ordained to guide Catholics and Christians," he explained.

Check out the post below:

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