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Ruto Woken To Bad News as LSK President Allegedly Says Why He Should Be Worried after Intense Demos

opera.com 6 days ago

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President William Ruto has been woken up to bad news as LSK boss now reveals why he should be worried following recent intense demonstrations across the country. The warning comes from Faith Odhiambo, the President of the Law Society of Kenya (LSK), who highlighted significant issues in Ruto's approach to governance.

Odhiambo pointed out that the president’s reliance on fear to maintain control is a troubling sign. According to her, when a leader resorts to instilling fear among the populace, it indicates deeper problems within the administration. This method can lead to increased unrest and dissatisfaction among citizens, which can undermine the government’s legitimacy and stability.

The recent demonstrations, which saw widespread participation, were a clear signal of growing discontent among Kenyans. Many are frustrated with the current administration’s policies and the economic hardships they are facing. The use of heavy-handed tactics to quell these protests only adds fuel to the fire, making the situation more volatile.

Odhiambo emphasized that true leadership should be based on trust and respect rather than fear. She urged President Ruto to address the root causes of the discontent rather than suppressing dissent. By engaging with the citizens and listening to their concerns, the government can foster a more cooperative and peaceful environment.

In conclusion, the message from the LSK President is clear, President Ruto needs to rethink his strategy and focus on building a more inclusive and responsive government. The recent demonstrations are a wake-up call that should not be ignored, as continuing down the current path could lead to further instability and unrest.




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