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'Zero Tariffs on Imported Pharmaceuticals Will Help in Drastically Reducing the Cost of Drugs' –Shehu Sani

opera.com 2 days ago

Former federal lawmaker Shehu Sani has welcomed the government's decision to remove tariffs on imported pharmaceuticals, stating that it will help "drastically reducing the cost of drugs." However, Sani has urged policymakers to ensure that the move does not decimate the local pharmaceutical industry.

Sani made the comments in a social media on his X account, which reads, "Zero tariffs on imported pharmaceuticals will help in drastically reducing the cost of drugs. That is commendable. " He acknowledged the potential benefits of the policy in making essential medicines more affordable for Nigerians.

At the same time, the former lawmaker expressed concern about the impact on local pharmaceutical companies. "I hope efforts will also be made to ensure that local pharmaceutical companies are not decimated," Sani said.

Screenshot of the social media post by Shehu Sani;

The delicate balance between improving drug affordability and supporting the domestic industry is a key challenge facing policymakers. Sani's statement highlights the need for a comprehensive approach that addresses both consumer interests and the long-term sustainability of Nigeria's pharmaceutical sector.

As the government implements the zero-tariff policy, stakeholders will be closely watching to see if complementary measures are put in place to protect and nurture the local pharmaceutical industry. Striking the right balance between affordability and self-reliance in drug production will be crucial for the overall healthcare landscape in Nigeria.

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