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EU Seeks Nigerian Shippers Council’s Guidance on €150 Billion Investment for Lagos-Abidjan Corridor

opera.com 3 days ago

According to Vanguard, the European Union (EU) is consulting with the Nigerian Shippers Council (NSC) to identify strategic investment opportunities within Nigerian ports, as part of a €150 billion allocation for the Lagos-Abidjan corridor.

Jesus Gavilan, from the EU's Directorate General for International Partnerships, revealed this initiative during a visit to the NSC. He highlighted the challenges along the Lagos-Abidjan corridor, particularly the numerous checkpoints that disrupt smooth transport between Benin and Nigeria.

“There is an investment package of €150 billion for Africa and West Africa because it is an important region where we are already investing significantly along the Lagos-Abidjan corridor. When you move from the Benin border to Lagos, you might be stopped at least 20 times along the route that has about 80 checkpoints. This is a big barrier for transport between the two countries,” Gavilan explained.

He also mentioned the EU's efforts to establish a one-stop border post between Benin and Nigeria to streamline the passage of goods. Although not yet fully operational, the project, in partnership with the French Development Agency and the European Investment Bank, is approaching its official launch.

Celine Lhoste, the leader of the visiting EU delegation, emphasized the significance of Lagos ports for trade efficiency in the Lagos-Abidjan corridor. She reiterated the EU's commitment to supporting initiatives aimed at decongesting Lagos ports and enhancing inland dry ports.

Lhoste also expressed interest in promoting coastal shipping between Cotonou and Lagos ports, which could substantially boost trade between Nigeria and Benin.

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