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" Ni Yeye Alisema Mambo Ni Matatu" Senator Sifuna says after Ruto dissociate himself with killings

opera.com 2 days ago

In the aftermath of recent violence and unrest in Kenya, President William Ruto has attempted to distance himself from the events. However, his critics are not buying his denials.

Senator Edwin Sifuna, who represents Nairobi county and is a vocal opponent of Ruto's Kenya Kwanza government, has accused the president of being directly responsible for the "killings, injuries, and abductions" that have occurred. Sifuna cites comments Ruto made earlier, seemingly contradicting his current posture of disassociation.

"Everyone can see the blood on his hands," Sifuna said in a scathing statement. He went on to say that rather than taking responsibility, Ruto has instead "made up theories" in a transparent effort to absolve himself.

The allegations are a serious blow to Ruto's credibility and the legitimacy of his administration. As president, he has a fundamental duty to maintain peace and security for all Kenyans. These charges, if proven true, would represent a grave dereliction of that duty.

Ruto will undoubtedly face mounting pressure to address these allegations head-on and provide a full accounting of the government's actions and his own personal involvement, if any. Failure to do so risks further unrest and a continued erosion of public trust in Kenya's political leadership. What are your thoughts on this? Do you agree with senator Sifuna? Let's see your comment below.

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