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'I Told My Wife That We Were Not Going To Live In Government House But In Our Private House' -Shaibu

opera.com 2024/6/18

The Immediate Past Deputy Governor of Edo State, Philip Shaibu has recounted a conversation with his wife wherein he expressed his reluctance to reside in the Edo state Government House due to a premonition of potential conflict that could lead to their eviction.

He stated that despite his wife's suggestion to pray about his apprehensions, his foresight was realized seven years later when he found himself in the situation he had predicted. He pointed out that the relocation of his office from the Government House, which served as the primary link between him and the governor underscored the distance that had developed between them.

On September 18, 2023, Philip Shaibu was denied access to his office at Edo State government house. The gate leading to his office inside the government house was locked with chains and heavy padlocks when he arrived there on Monday morning. Shaibu stated then that he was not informed that he was not informed that his office had been relocated outside the government house. He claimed that no official communication was made to him and his aides that he should relocate. However, the CSO at the government house clarified that Obaseki had insisted that he did not want Philip Shaibu around him anymore. 

He said in an interview with Punch, ''I told my wife that we were not going to live in the Government house but in our private house. So that when there was a fight, I wouldn't be told to pack my things out of the government house because it would be disgraceful. 

She asked me why I felt that way and I told her I had a premonition that all would not be well. My wife said we should pray about it but seven years later, what I predicted happened. Imagine looking for a vehicle to pack our belongings out of the government house. My office was relocated out of the government house which was the only thing connecting the governor and me.''

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