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Muigai Wa Njoroge's Ex-Wife Njeri Shares A Cute Photo Of Muigai's Son

opera.com 2 days ago

Muigai Wa Njoroge's Ex-Wife Njeri Shares A Cute Photo Of Muigai's Son

If you frequently visit social media sites and especially on Facebook, you might have come across this cute photo which has been published by Muigai Wa Njoroge's ex-wife on her Facebook page.

Njeri shared a cute photo of her son which she sired with Muigai before they divorced. She revealed her son's name, Mwangi Wa Muigai. This showed that she still acknowledge Muigai as the father of her children.

Njeri said that this son, Mwangi, is the one who she named after her dad, she called him her dad as she show big love to him. 

She said that her son is taller than her but she is still in the primary school. In this photo, Mwangi was seen looking exactly like his father Muigai.

"He has grown talker than me but he is still in primary school, what shall we say we people of God. Mwangi Wa Muigai my son and my dad, I love you Soo much" she Wrote.



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