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"I Saw A Rain That The Lord Is About To Drop Through The Church" - Joshua Iginla Reveals

opera.com 2 days ago

Prophet Joshua Iginla, the founder and senior pastor of Champions Royal Assembly, recently shared a prophetic revelation on his YouTube channel concerning the church and the upcoming election in Mozambique.

"I saw a rain that the Lord is about to drop through the church," Iginla stated. He emphasized that this divine outpouring is conditional upon unity among the churches. According to Iginla, this anticipated spiritual revival hinges on the harmonious collaboration and unity of purpose within the Christian community.

Regarding the political landscape, Iginla prophesied that the ruling party will retain power in the next election. "The election will proceed, and there will be pockets of one or two complaints here and there, but it will not stop the man who has been selected as a flag bearer," he predicted. Despite potential minor grievances, the outcome appears certain in his vision.

However, Iginla cautioned that the current president must be vigilant and pray against persecution after leaving office. This advice underscores a concern for the president's well-being and potential challenges that may arise once his term concludes.

Central to Iginla’s prophecy is the revival he foresees in Mozambique. "I saw a rain that the Lord is about to drop through the church," he reiterated, highlighting that this rain symbolizes a spiritual awakening and renewal. Yet, this blessing is contingent upon the churches achieving unity.

Iginla’s message is a call to action for the Mozambican church, urging leaders and congregations to set aside differences and work together. "The Lord said this rain can only fall when there is unity amongst the churches," he declared, emphasizing that the anticipated revival and blessings are directly linked to the collective harmony within the Christian community.

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