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Nollywood Actor Accuses Late Colleague Of Betrayal

opera.com 2024/6/16

Nollywood actor Yul Edochie has addressed his absence from the burial of his late colleague, Junior Pope, attributing it to past betrayals by the deceased. 

In a social media post on Tuesday, Edochie explained that his decision not to attend the burial was due to multiple instances of backstabbing by Pope.

Despite admitting that Pope was like a brother to him, Edochie felt the need to clarify his absence because of widespread curiosity.

While he did not go into specific details of the betrayals, Edochie promised to reveal more soon.

According to The Punch, the actor however cautioned his followers to be mindful of their wishes for others, as those wishes could backfire.

He wrote "I'll share the full details soon so others can learn from it. Be careful what you wish for others, as it could come back to you,".

Edochie's explanation has sparked criticism from Nigerians, with many expressing their disapproval of his remarks.

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