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Osoro Responds To Claims Of His Home Being Torched Today, Details Here

opera.com 4 days ago

In a recent tweet, Sylvanus Osoro, the Majority Whip of the National Assembly, dismissed rumors about his homes being set on fire. He labeled these claims as baseless and offensive to the younger generation, particularly Gen Z, whom he defended as non-violent and incapable of such actions.

Osoro assured the public that he is currently at his rural home, safe and in good spirits, enjoying the company and stories of his community. He emphasized that he is not in any danger and that there is no truth to the reports suggesting otherwise.

Furthermore, Osoro issued a stern warning to any individuals considering targeting his home for criminal activities or rituals. He stated that any such actions would be met with immediate consequences, implying that he is prepared to defend his property and ensure justice is swiftly served.

Osoro's tweet reflects his confidence in his safety and his readiness to protect his home from any criminal threats. He also reinforced his respect and defense of Gen Z against unfair stereotypes. He stressed that young people are not arsonists and should not be blamed for baseless rumors. Osoro’s message serves to reassure the public of his well-being and to warn potential wrongdoers of the serious repercussions they would face.

This clear and firm response aims to dispel false information and highlight his commitment to maintaining peace and security at his home.



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