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NLC Condemns Governors' Attempt to Set Minimum Wage Unilaterally

opera.com 4 days ago

According to Punch, the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) has vehemently criticized state governors for attempting to set minimum wages independently, bypassing established national agreements. In a statement, NLC's Benson Upah emphasized that the national minimum wage is a collective agreement ensuring a basic standard of living for all workers, not subject to arbitrary state decisions.

The NLC argued that this move undermines workers' welfare and the national economy, highlighting the disparity in uniform salaries for political office holders. The Congress expressed concern over governors' ignorance of global best practices and urged them to prioritize workers' welfare. The NLC called on the federal government to resist pressure from "selfish governors" and advocated for a fair wage system reflecting economic justice and supporting national stability.

The NLC reaffirmed its commitment to defending workers' rights, urging governors to embrace equitable policies and refrain from actions that could undermine democratic principles in Nigeria. The Congress stressed that a unified minimum wage is crucial for promoting economic fairness and stability, and warned against attempts to undermine this principle. By speaking out against governors' attempts to set minimum wages unilaterally, the NLC is fighting for the rights of Nigerian workers and promoting a more equitable society.

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