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What Police Found in the Room Where a Prominent Businesswoman Was Brutally Killed in Kitui

opera.com 3 days ago


Police in Kitui County, Kenya, arrested a woman suspected of planning the killing of Lucy Kambu Mwenda. The murder happened on May 22nd, 2024, in Kalimani village. 

The body of the victim, a woman, was found outside her home at night. Lucy was allegedly stabbed twice in the head during the attack. 

Police at the scene found some strange clues: a bloody knife, a light blue container, a paper bag with a broken egg inside, and a letter written in the Kamba language.

Photo/Courtesy of DCI Kenya

Following leads, investigators tracked down the suspect, who was travelling by truck from Mombasa to Nairobi. They arrested her at a police checkpoint in Mtito-Andei. 

The woman is being held in jail in Kitui while she undergoes a mental health evaluation. Her court case is expected to start on July 23rd, 2024. 

We hope the Kenyan legal system will work faster to offer justice to the aggrieved family of the deceased businesswoman.

Source: Facebook: DCI Kenya

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