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" Mtajua Hamjui " Kindiki Breaks Silence On Protests, Sends Warning To Those Who Entered Parliament

opera.com 3 days ago

Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki has pledged to take decisive action against individuals allegedly exploiting peaceful demonstrations to engage in looting. He stated that security forces would remain vigilant to prevent and counter any threats to public safety. Kindiki emphasized that attacks on vital infrastructure and national symbols would not be tolerated.

This statement follows violent protests on Tuesday during which many businesses reported being looted.

"The organisers of today’s violence in parts of Nairobi, Mombasa and other regions are reportedly planning further chaos and plundering on Thursday and Sunday with potential for more frequent disruptions," Kindiki remarked.

"This campaign of terror against Kenyans and the impunity of criminal gangs must end at any cost. The Government is committed to stopping those aiming to terrorize the public and damage Kenya despite attempts to politicize crime."

The CS assured the public that those responsible for large-scale arson, violent robberies and other serious crimes would face justice. Kindiki praised the police for their professionalism and restraint during the highly provocative situations encountered during the riots.

He also stated that any allegations of unlawful conduct by law enforcement officers would be investigated, and appropriate actions would be taken.

Kindiki added that the June 25, 2024, protests caused significant destruction and unprecedented civil unrest in Nairobi and several other towns.

He noted that lives were lost, property worth billions of shillings was destroyed or stolen, and there was an attempt to burn down Parliament Buildings.

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