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"Niliona Kifo Kwa Kioo Ikipita" UDA MP Reveals How He Managed To Escape Following This Sudden Event

opera.com 2024/10/5

On Tuesday, June 25, chaos erupted in Nairobi as Generation Z youth invaded Parliament to protest against the contentious finance bill. The demonstration quickly spiraled out of control, leading to significant property damage and a violent clash with the police, resulting in fatalities and injuries.

(Photo Of Gen Z During The Protests)

Member of Parliament Didmus Barasa vividly recounted the harrowing experience, stating that he saw death pass by in the mirror. Didmus Barasa described the overwhelming fear and confusion as the young protesters stormed the parliamentary grounds, smashing windows, and destroying property. The situation escalated rapidly, with police resorting to gunfire in a desperate bid to restore order, leading to the tragic loss of lives and numerous injuries among the protesters.

The unrest extended beyond the confines of Parliament, wreaking havoc across Nairobi's Central Business District. Businesses were broken into, with looters taking advantage of the chaos to steal and vandalize property. The widespread destruction highlighted the deep-seated frustrations and anger among the youth, driven by their opposition to the finance bill, which many viewed as oppressive and unjust.

In response to the unprecedented turmoil, President William Ruto took decisive action the following day by declining to sign the bill into law. Recognizing the gravity of the situation and the urgent need for reconsideration, he sent the bill back to Parliament for further review.

The incident has sparked a nationwide conversation about the underlying issues driving the protests, including economic hardship and political disillusionment among the youth. As the government grapples with these challenges, the need for meaningful dialogue and reform has never been more apparent. The events of June 25 serve as a stark reminder of the power of collective action and the urgent necessity for responsive and inclusive governance.



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