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"No More Sympathies" Kenyans Tell DP Gachagua Through Comments After Saying This In Murang'a County

opera.com 3 days ago

The second in command, Hon Rigathi Gachagua, and other Mt Kenya leaders have been working tirelessly to ensure that the Mt Kenya region benefits from the Kenya Kwanza government under the head of state, Dr William Ruto. To achieve this the second in command has been championing for the regional unity. However, he has been receiving massive political attacks from the Kenya Kwanza government allies following his stand on the regional unity.

Today during the fundraising of the church in Murang'a County the deputy president, Hon Rigathi Gachagua, lamented that some of his allies who voted against the bill are being targeted. The proposed financial bill raised a heated debate among Kenyans and politicians who expressed their stand concerning the proposed finance bill.

Kenyans have expressed their reactions concerning this statement made by the deputy president, Hon Rigathi Gachagua. Following their comments they are claiming that the deputy president is seeking for sympathies from Kenyans which he will not succeed.