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Reactions Trail Shehu Sani's Statement Over Bill of Creating New State in South East

opera.com 2 days ago

Former Nigerian Senator Shehu Sani’s recent endorsement of a bill proposing the creation of a new state in the South East has sparked a wave of reactions across the country. On his verified Twitter account, Sani called the bill "fair and just," igniting a robust debate on regional equity, governance, and national unity.

Supporters of the bill and Sani’s statement argue that establishing an additional state in the South East addresses longstanding grievances of marginalization. Advocates believe this move would balance Nigeria's federal structure and ensure more equitable political representation and resource allocation for the predominantly Igbo region. The South East currently has fewer states compared to other geopolitical zones, which some say hampers its influence in national affairs.

“Nigeria’s unity can only be strengthened when all regions feel fairly represented,” said Chukwuemeka Nwosu, a political analyst from Enugu. “Shehu Sani’s support brings needed attention to this issue, highlighting the importance of addressing historical imbalances.”

Sani's statement faced criticism from various quarters. Opponents argue that creating a new state could lead to increased administrative costs and complexities. There are also concerns that it might set a precedent, prompting other regions to demand similar state creations, potentially leading to further fragmentation of the country.

Abubakar Umar, a northern political commentator, expressed reservations. “While equity is important, the creation of more states isn’t necessarily the solution. It could escalate demands across other regions, complicating our governance structure,” he said.

Some also question the timing and feasibility of the proposal, suggesting it may be politically motivated ahead of upcoming elections. Critics argue that the focus should be on strengthening existing states rather than adding new ones.

As the bill moves through the National Assembly, Sani's statement continues to stir national discourse.

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