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Kenyans Reacts After Ex-Police Spokesperson Says Police Should Be Given Power To Shoot During Demos

opera.com 3 days ago

The police should be given the ability to bite, according to former President Uhuru's police spokesperson, Hon. Charles Owino. In an interview today, he discussed how demonstrations have impacted businesspeople's livelihoods in Nairobi and other regions of Kenya.

It is always necessary for the police to use tear gas and apprehend offenders without giving them a weapon. However, the former Police spokesperson claims that the situation has escalated violence. Tear gas and rubber bullets cannot disperse the looters from such demonstrations.

Here are the reactions from a section of Kenyans:

"The voice of our security officers, Reshuffle, reduce, and sack: that is where their hearts are, Mr. President, even though they may not speak to you directly." Isamu traders said

"Not biggest beneficiary, put it correctly as it is supposed to be... The best opportunity to make things right in matters good governance." Patrick Omollo said

"I support Owino 💯 in Kenyans do go to the street to demonstrate they go to steal. So police should deal with them mercilessly." Keith Kimani said.

"Very disappointing.... We should be talking of how we should live in peace and how to develop our country not anticipate chaos , violence and not power to bite. Very disappointing ☹️" Ann Gatwiri said

"People who possess weapons in a democracy should be able to defend themselves against an oppressive government. The government should not have monopoly of violence." Kamau Ndungu said.

"Good you are retired. Such recklessly spewed wprds can easily ignite more violence." Pius Bwile said

"My late Dad told me to avoid ANY relationship with a Kenya police. Don't even dare marry a police daughter! The curse following these men/women in uniform is immense!" Okoth said

"Outdated thinking the likes of Owino are the ones who spoilt the police by think they know much but they are 10 years behind.They should give young generation space to modernize our police." Joshua Otieno said

"Power to bite what? Police have been using powers even that which they don't have, what powers does this retiree speak about?" George Omondi said

"Bt how do yu guys want police to do when his life is in danger ,,still he can't watch when he is there to protect lives and properties." Kariuki Pro said

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