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Two Chelsea stars who may be affected if Dewsbury-Hall joins the Blues this summer

opera.com 2 days ago

If Kiernan Dewsbury-Hall joins Chelsea, the playing time of several current Chelsea midfielders could be impacted due to his versatility and quality. Here's an in-depth look at how his arrival might affect the squad dynamics:

Conor Gallagher: Gallagher, known for his energetic play and box-to-box capabilities, has seen considerable minutes under various managers. However, Dewsbury-Hall's similar style of play—combining defensive work rate with attacking contributions—could reduce Gallagher's opportunities. Both players thrive in high-energy roles, and Dewsbury-Hall's established rapport with Maresca could give him an edge in selection for key matches.

Carney Chukwuemeka: The young midfielder, brought in with high expectations, might find his development pathway slightly more challenging. Dewsbury-Hall’s presence could limit Chukwuemeka’s opportunities to gain more experience. Given Chelsea’s competitive squad and Maresca’s potential preference for more experienced players in crucial matches, Chukwuemeka might see fewer minutes and could be considered for loan opportunities to ensure regular playing time.

Dewsbury-Hall’s integration into Chelsea's midfield would bring a blend of energy, technical skill, and tactical awareness. His familiarity with Maresca’s style could give him an advantage over current squad members who might need more time to adapt. This competitive environment, while challenging for existing players, also ensures that Chelsea's midfield remains robust and capable of handling various tactical demands throughout the season.

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