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"Included VAT For Milk And Bread" CS Kuria Alleges, Reveals This Top Secret As He Blasts DP Gachagua

opera.com 3 days ago

During a recent speech by President Ruto, murmurs and laughter broke out among Members of Parliament (MPs) when a journalist questioned the state of development by asking, "Maendeleo gani?" This reaction came in the wake of significant budget cuts following President Ruto's decision to withdraw the Finance Bill of 2024. The atmosphere in the chamber reflected a blend of tension and amusement, highlighting the controversial nature of the fiscal decisions and their impact on development projects.

Further complicating the situation, it was revealed that Deputy President Gachagua had chaired the committee meeting that endorsed the original Finance Bill, which included a Value Added Tax (VAT) on essential items such as milk and bread. This information was confirmed by Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria, who criticized the Deputy President's role in the process, labeling him a "dishonourable man."

The endorsement of the original Finance Bill by the committee, chaired by the Deputy President, has been a focal point of contention. The inclusion of VAT on basic commodities has been particularly contentious, as it directly affects the cost of living for ordinary citizens. The criticism from Moses Kuria reflects a broader dissatisfaction within the government and the public regarding these fiscal policies.

The Finance Bill's withdrawal has only intensified debates about the government's economic strategy and its priorities. MPs, already vocal about their constituencies' needs, seized this moment to question the administration's commitment to development amid financial austerity. The journalist's probing question and the ensuing reactions underscored the deep concerns about how budgetary constraints might stall or derail vital development projects.

This episode not only highlighted the immediate challenges facing President Ruto's administration but also underscored the broader issue of balancing fiscal responsibility with developmental goals. The reactions from MPs and the pointed criticism from Moses Kuria illustrate the ongoing struggle to navigate economic pressures while meeting public expectations for progress and equitable development.



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