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What Police Did to Protesters in Custody Before Four Collapsed at a Nairobi Court Hearing

opera.com 2024/10/6

Photo/Courtesy of Taifaleo Newspaper

In a surprising development at Milimani Court, three out of 185 people were held after protests against the 2024 Finance Bill collapsed due to extreme hunger. The incident happened in court, prompting Senior Magistrate Wandia Nyamu to urgently order police to give milk to the sick suspects to prevent their health from worsening.

"Get milk for these young ones. Take milk from my office and give it to them," Magistrate Nyamu said, showing worry about the suspects' condition.

The protesters, aged 16 to 17, spoke in court, revealing they hadn't eaten since they were arrested.

"We're starving, Your Honor. We haven't had water, tea, bread, or anything to eat since the police took us," one suspect weakly said before falling down.

The seriousness of their hunger was clear as the suspects struggled to stand. Magistrate Nyamu then ordered them to leave the courtroom immediately for milk and urgent medical help. The police quickly acted, providing milk to the detainees.

When they returned, the suspects asked to be released. Reports emerged that many detainees claimed they were physically harmed and injured during their arrest.

Photo/Courtesy of Taifaleo Newspaper

"Many of the suspects were badly beaten and tortured, making it hard for them to meet their basic needs because of the pain," Levi Munyeri, who leads a team of 17 lawyers for the detainees, said.

Lawyer Munyeri and his team asked the court to release the suspects for medical reasons, pointing out their right to peaceful protest under the Constitution.

In her decision, Magistrate Nyamu said there wasn't enough evidence from the prosecution and let go of four suspects first held at Kabete police station. Bail was set at Sh10,000 for 18 minors and Sh50,000 for others, with strict conditions on their release.

The detainees are accused of crimes related to public unrest, property damage, and blocking, all linked to protests that became violent and caused injuries and damage.

Source: Taifaleo Newspaper

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