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Ruto Reveals 2 Kikuyu Slogans Trending in Mt Kenya as He Sends a Word of Advise to Gachagua- VIDEO

opera.com 5 days ago

This afternoon, President William Ruto asserted that Tukunias and Komelela are two catchphrases that are becoming more popular in the Mount Kenya region. At the same time, he counseled his Deputy President, Hon. Rigathi Gachagua, not to be sidetracked by certain leaders who wish to give the impression that Ruto is supporting Kiharu MP, Hon. Ndindi Nyoro, in advance of the general election in 2027.

The head of state made it clear that politics of tribe and ethnicity died in 2022 when he spoke during a church Thanksgiving service in Nakuru and urged leaders who are creating tribal names like Tukunias and Komelela, which roughly translate to political traitors and political pretenders, respectively, to stop doing so.

He underlined how important it is for all leaders to treat their peers with respect and put up great effort to guarantee that Kenyans receive services.

The dictionary "Sasa msiturudishe Nyuma Tena tutafute." Iko Tumeskia ingine Sasa hatutajua Ni Gani hiyo Tena, Sasa inaitwa Komelela. Ruto uttered, "Tumeskia hiyo ingibe inaitwa Tukunias."

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