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The Gen Z in Africa Are Leading The Struggle For Power Accountability And Good Governance—Shehu Sani

opera.com 2024/9/28

In a thought-provoking commentary on his verified Twitter account, Senator Shehu Sani articulated the pivotal role of Africa’s Generation Z in the ongoing struggle for political accountability and good governance across the continent. Sani’s observations spotlight the unique position of this generation, often referred to as the "Alien generation," in challenging corruption, human rights abuses, and authoritarian tendencies.

Senator Sani remarked, "The Gen Z in Africa are leading the struggle for power accountability and good governance. They have become a formidable resistance against corruption, rights violations, anti-people policies, and creeping dictatorships." He attributes their vigor to a consciousness shaped by the rapid advancements in Information Technology and artificial intelligence, which have profoundly influenced their perspectives and activism.

Unlike previous generations, Africa's Gen Z is not shackled by the historical and cultural divides that have traditionally impeded unity and collective action. Sani notes, "They are not held back by the scars or lessons of history or the inhibitions of tribal, cultural, or religious identities." This detachment from the past allows them to form a unified front against contemporary challenges, driven by a shared sense of purpose and an innate distrust of traditional power structures.

However, Sani also highlights a critical limitation of this generation's activism: their lack of a cohesive political strategy and clear objectives for seizing power. "Their only weakness is that they have no political articulation and clear goal for takeover of power. They are not revolutionaries," Sani states. Instead, he describes them as "unwavering protesters and dissenters" whose activism often stops at the symbolic gates of power, rather than penetrating the halls where decisions are made.

Despite their energy and commitment, Sani warns that without evolving their tactics and goals, the fervor of Gen Z may ultimately dissipate without achieving substantial change. "The anger of the Gen Zs will have to evolve beyond disruptions or will eventually dissolve, leaving everything fundamentally unchanged in the continent," he cautions.

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