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Manyora On Why Ruto Should Not Ignore Gen Zs, And What Lesson He Should Learn From The Ongoing Demos

opera.com 3 days ago

PHOTO: Senior Political Expert and Commentator Professor Herman Kamarike Manyora (Source/Citizen Digital App)

Kenya's number one political commentator and analyst Professor Herman Kamarike Manyora, has cautioned the President over the ongoing Gen Zs nationwide demonstrations.

Youths came out in large numbers, and they bravely confronted Ruto's led Kenya Kwanza Government over Finance Bill.

With the pressure from the Gen Zs. President William Ruto had NO option but withdraw the Finance bill.

However, MPs who voted YES to the Finance Bill are currently having a difficult moment with their coinstituents. And some have been forced to seek apologise to the Public. Some of them encountered loss for going against the Interest of common Mwananchi.

PHOTO: 5th President of the Republic of Kenya His Excellency William Samoei Arap Ruto (Source/The Star Newspaper Publication)

Manyora assets that the current generation is not a Joke. And with the latest move from Gen Z, who went an extra mile and stormed the Parliament chanting Ruto Must Go. He is daring Ruto to ignore Gen Zs at his own risk.

Taking on his Official YouTube channel, Manyora claims the ongoing Gen Zs demonstrations is lesson to President William Ruto. That he must be very careful with his decisions he is making.

"The Anti-Finance Bill demonstrations should click to President William Ruto that these are not the olden days whereby you could just give orders and dictate without being confronted. This is an advanced generation thanks to the Technology, which is making work more easier. Ignoring the Gen Zs is a mistake Ruto is making." Asserted Professor Herman Manyora

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