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"This Entertainment Industry Is So Dark Cos People In It Is Vile, Envious And Evil" -Uche Ogbodo

opera.com 1 day ago

The Nollywood actress Uche Ogbodo has taken to social media to shed light on what she perceives as the dark underbelly of the entertainment industry, citing envy and malevolence as prevailing traits among her colleagues.

According to a post Uche Ogbodo made on her Instagram page,she said "This entertainment industry is so dark cos people in it is vile, envious and evil"

In a post shared on her Instagram story, Uche Ogbodo lamented the pervasive negativity that she believes permeates the entertainment sector.

"This entertainment industry is so dark cos people in it are vile, envious and evil," she wrote, expressing her disillusionment with the toxic dynamics prevalent within the industry.

Emphasizing her disdain for the toxic culture of envy, Ogbodo exclaimed, "Tufiakwa! This entertainment industry is so dark cos people in it is so vile, envious and evil."

Ogbodo urged for a paradigm shift towards positivity and mutual support within the entertainment community. "Happy for somebody so that good things can come to you too nah! Congratulate the person nah then pray for your own grace," she urged.

Asserting her commitment to maintaining her integrity and personal boundaries, Ogbodo emphasized her dedication to staying true to her own path. "What do I know? I'm on my own lane. Plenty Questions never fills up a basket!" she declared.

In a poignant reflection on the nature of envy, Ogbodo questioned the paradoxical desire to possess what others have while failing to cultivate the qualities necessary to attain it.

"Wishing you have what others have but you don't want to be good enough to get it," she mused.

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