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MP Otiende Amollo's Sister Still Languishing In The Cold Since Dumping Raila For Ruto

opera.com 4 days ago

Former Kasarani MP Elizabeth Ongoro ( Photo Courtesy)

She is among the high profile Nyanza politicians who surprisingly dumped the ODM party leader Raila Odinga after the 2022 general election that saw President William Ruto pull a shocker to win the presidency at the expense of the former Prime Minister.

Though she established Nairobi as her political base, but former Kasarani MP Elizabeth Ongoro has her roots in Nyanza, Siaya County.

At the height of her political career, Ongoro was one of the fiercest defenders of the former Prime Minister.

In 2007, she pulled a shocker when she trounced over ten men to win the Kasarani MP seat on an ODM party ticket.

From there, Ongoro established herself as one of the most vocal and powerful female politicians in the country at the time. In the Grand Coalition Government between President Mwai Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga, the fiery legislator was appointed as assistant minister.

In 2013, she was forced to drop out of the Nairobi senator race in favour of former Starehe MP Bishop Margaret Wanjuru. But ODM handed her a soft landing after being nominated to the Senate.

During the 2017 general election, she attempted to make a comeback but her dreams of being elected as Ruaraka MP went up in flames after losing during ODM party nominations to the incumbent, Tom Kajwang. She would later decamp to ANC but still lost.

Ongoro attempted to make another comeback in 2022 but was forced to shelve her bid for Nairobi County Women Representative position in favour of the incumbent, Esther Passaris.

But soon after the 2022 poll, the former MP who is the sister of Rarieda MP Otiende Amollo joined President William Ruto's camp. But over one year later, she is still languishing in the cold having failed to land top government job. What does future hold for her?


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