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Jeremiah Kioni Proposes a Rigorous Psychological Assessment for Presidential Candidates in Kenya

opera.com 4 days ago

Jeremiah Kioni has proposed a rigorous psychological examination for presidential candidates in the country. Jeremiah Kioni believes that the presidential position requires somebody with a stable mental condition.

The veteran politician has been engaged in a conflict with president William Ruto for a long time. Jeremiah Kioni accused president William Ruto of failing to deliver on his mandate to the people of Kenya. He claimed that the government is not responsive to the needs of ordinary Kenyan citizens.

Jeremiah Kioni has been calling for the resignation of president William Ruto. He believes that William Ruto is not fit to serve as the head of state. He accused the president of refusing to listen to the views of Kenyans.

President William Ruto has been facing criticism in the last few days for supporting the controversial Finance Bill. Many young people around the country have been involved in protests against the government.

Several people invaded parliament building during protests in Nairobi. The protesters breached the security barrier and managed to access parliament building. They destroyed property worth millions of shillings within parliament building.

Jeremiah Kioni is currently serving as the secretary general of the Jubilee party. He previously served as the member of parliament for Ndaragwa constituency. He has enjoyed a long and successful career in politics.

Jeremiah Kioni has been advocating for reforms in the country for a long time. He has demanded for the inclusion of young people in making decisions affecting the country. He is keen on empowering young people in Kenya.


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