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"This Is Not A 'Pray For Me' Church" - Bishop David Oyedepo Tells Members

opera.com 4 days ago

In a sermon titled "Towards Maximizing Our Glorious Destiny in Christ 4" delivered during the Next Level Banquet Service, Bishop David Oyedepo, General Overseer of the Living Faith Church Worldwide, asserted that the church is not a place for passive prayers but for active transformation.

Bishop Oyedepo emphasized the importance of scriptural engagement, stating, "There are these pictures all over scriptures, if it is not changing you, you can’t see it. As we behold Him, we are changed." He highlighted that true spiritual growth comes from internalizing and applying the teachings of the Bible, which leads to continuous transformation from one level of glory to another.

Addressing the congregation, he acknowledged that some might resist his message but stressed the necessity of humility in the Christian journey. "You need meekness to be corrected. Psalm 25:9. Everybody needs meekness.

Without meekness, your destiny is limited. Matthew 5:5," he said. Bishop Oyedepo pointed out that many struggle because they refuse to accept correction and guidance, opting instead to rely solely on prayer without seeking understanding.

He recounted his own experiences of being corrected openly and publicly, underscoring the importance of humility and willingness to learn. "He has corrected me openly, publicly severally with joy and delight. I have announced again and again that something I said before was wrong," he shared.

Bishop Oyedepo made it clear that Living Faith Church is committed to showing its members the way to a glorious destiny through scriptural teaching and personal growth. "This is not a 'pray for me' Church, it is a 'show me the way' Church. If you can’t see the way, that's your problem," he declared.

In his concluding remarks, he encouraged the congregation to embrace the transformative power of the Word, reminding them of their enviable destiny in Christ. "You have an enviable destiny in Christ, you can’t afford to live a pitiable life. Today is your day," he proclaimed, urging members to seize the opportunity for spiritual and personal advancement.

Watch the YouTube video here.

Fast forward YouTube video from 39 minutes 30 seconds to 43 minutes 24 seconds

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