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Nnamdi Kanu: We Know About Sunday Igboho, Who Was A Yoruba Agitator But He's Free — Kenneth Okonkwo

opera.com 2 days ago

Nigerian lawyer and Nollywood actor Kenneth Okonkwo has raised concerns about the differing treatment of regional agitators in Nigeria.

Speaking in an interview on Arise TV's News Day programme, he alleged that the actions of Nnamdi Kanu, leader of the proscribed Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), are not unique compared to those of other regional agitators.

Okonkwo pointed to Sunday Igboho, a Yoruba Nation agitator, who is now free despite his involvement in secessionist activities.

He also referenced the treatment of Boko Haram members, who aimed to create a separate state with strict anti-Western education policies.

Okonkwo noted that many Boko Haram members have been released, rehabilitated, and reintegrated into society.

According to Okonkwo, Nnamdi Kanu's continued detention highlights a lack of consistency in how Nigerian authorities handle different secessionist and extremist groups.

He emphasised that Kanu, who is campaigning for an independent state of Biafra, faces a harsher fate than others who have engaged in similar or even more violent activities.

He suggested that the disparities in treatment may reflect deeper systemic biases or political considerations.

Okonkwo called for a more equitable approach to justice and the handling of all separatist movements.

He argued that if Igboho could be freed, then Kanu should also be considered for release. 

Okonkwo said, "Nnamdi Kanu has not done anything that others from different regions haven't done. We know about Sunday Igboho, who was a Yoruba agitator, but he's free today.

"We know of the Boko Haram members who wanted a separate country where western education is forbidden.

"These people have been released. In the case of Boko Haram, they have been rehabilitated and reintegrated into society. They have even been given good jobs, including in our military. Why is Nnamdi Kanu's case different?"

Watch the interview video here (start from 1:55).

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