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Oyo State Welcomes Three New Traditional Rulers, Coronation Ceremonies Slated for July

opera.com 4 days ago

Vanguard News report that, Oyo State Governor, Seyi Makinde, has given his seal of approval for the installation and presentation of staff of office to three new monarchs in the state, thereby reaffirming his administration's unwavering dedication to the advancement of cultural development, traditional institutions, and the preservation of the state's rich cultural heritage. The three esteemed monarchs, Oba Sakiru Oyewole Akanni Oyelere, the Onifiditi of Fiditi, Oba Cornelius Abiola Taiwo Oladokun, the Alaawe of Awe, and Oba Titiloye Oyekanmi Sunday, the Elempe of Tapa, will be formally coronated and presented with the revered staff of office on July 3, 5, and 8, 2024, respectively.

This momentous occasion marks a significant milestone in the annals of Oyo State's history, as it underscores the Makinde administration's unrelenting commitment to honoring and upholding the state's cultural traditions, which have been passed down through generations. The coronation ceremonies will be a grand celebration of culture, tradition, and leadership, reinforcing the importance of these institutions in Oyo State's social and political fabric.

Since its inception five years ago, the Makinde administration has installed over thirty monarchs across the state, a testament to its unwavering dedication to the preservation of cultural heritage and traditional institutions. The presentation of staff of office to the three new monarchs serves as a symbol of their legitimacy and authority, as well as the state government's recognition of their role in promoting cultural development and traditional values.

The coronation ceremonies will be a momentous occasion, bringing together dignitaries, traditional leaders, and members of the community to celebrate the rich cultural heritage of Oyo State. The events will feature various cultural performances, traditional rites, and the formal presentation of the staff of office to the new monarchs.

Photo Credit: Vanguard News

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