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Fr Ejike Mbaka: "In A Time Like This, The Sagacious Mother Church Reveals Our Favour For A Lifetime'

opera.com 2 days ago

In a recent video on Facebook, Fr. Ejike Mbaka, the prominent Catholic priest and spiritual leader of the Adoration Ministry Enugu, called on the favor of God to manifest in the lives of his congregation. Addressing worshippers, Fr. Mbaka invoked divine blessings, referencing Psalm 45:12 to emphasize the promise of divine favor.

He reminded the faithful that those of great wealth would seek their favor and bestow gifts upon them, reflecting God's abundant grace and mercy. His sermon also comes at a time when many Nigerians are facing economic hardships and uncertainties. His words of encouragement aim to inspire hope and faith among his followers, urging them to trust in God's provision and favor despite current challenges.

According to him, "I claim the favor of God upon your life today in the mighty name of Jesus. In a time like this, the sagacious mother church reveals our favour for a lifetime. I therefore recall Psalm 45:12 that the men of greatest wealth shall entreat your favor with gifts in the mighty name of Jesus."

If you believe this Prophetic Prayer shout a big amen.

Watch the Facebook video here.

Fast forward short clip Facebook video from the beginning

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