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The World Is On Fire And The Word Is Out That America’s Borders Are Open — Lindsey Graham

opera.com 4 days ago

Senator Lindsey Graham, a prominent Republican from South Carolina, recently voiced sharp criticism of President Joe Biden's handling of U.S. border security and global issues. Posting on his verified Twitter account, Graham declared, “The world is on fire and the word is out that America’s borders are open. If you believe you’re safer during Biden’s presidency than you were during Trump’s presidency, you shouldn’t be allowed to drive.”

Graham’s statement emphasizes his ongoing concern over Biden’s immigration policies, which he argues have led to a surge in illegal crossings at the southern border, thereby compromising national security. His remarks are particularly pointed, given the current backdrop of international crises and domestic challenges.

The phrase “the world is on fire” captures the escalating global tensions, from the conflict in Ukraine and the volatile situation in the Middle East to the challenges posed by China and North Korea. According to Graham, these issues, combined with what he describes as an “open borders” policy, depict a world growing increasingly unstable under Biden’s leadership.

Graham’s provocative assertion—that those who feel safer under Biden should not be permitted to drive—reflects his deep frustration with the administration’s approach to national and international security. This statement not only critiques Biden’s tenure but also invokes a broader Republican narrative that portrays his presidency as a period of heightened risk.

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