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Mike Bamiloye Explains Why Jesus Christ Was Truly Hungry In The Bible But Didn't Live By Food Alone

opera.com 2 days ago

In a recent post on Facebook, Evangelist Mike Bamiloye revealed the spiritual lesson from Jesus' response to temptation in the wilderness, drawing parallels for modern believers on the importance of discerning whose voice to heed.

He reflected on the biblical account where Jesus, after fasting for forty days, was approached by the devil who urged Him to turn stones into bread to prove His divine sonship. Bamiloye emphasized that despite His hunger, Jesus chose not to respond to the devil’s challenge. Instead, He prioritized spiritual sustenance over physical needs. He also highlighted that true strength and identity are grounded in divine truth, not in satisfying the demands of skeptics or detractors.

According to him, "It was true Jesus was hungry, because the Bible says so, but at that time, Jesus would not live by Food alone, but by every word that proceeded from the Mouth of the Lord God. He would not listen to the voice of the Mad Man to prove that He is the Son of God. He would rather remain hungry for a while than listening to the voice of The Mad Man and turning stone to bread to prove a point."

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