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PS Mbaika Calls for Dialogue Amidst Unrest

opera.com 4 days ago

In a stirring message resonating with hope and unity, Principal Secretary for State Department of Devolution, Teresia Mbaika has underscored the transformative power of collaboration, comprehension, and peaceful conflict resolution in shaping a prosperous future for our country.

In a statement, PS Teresia Mbaika emphasized the critical importance of peace in Kenya to safeguard the future of devolution and ensure progress for all.

"As we navigate through challenges and uncertainties, let us heed the call for peace and embrace dialogue as a powerful tool for positive change," she highlighted

Mbaika champions the idea of unity through collective effort, emphasizing that by working together, Kenyans can overcome challenges and pave the way for a brighter tomorrow.

"By working together, fostering understanding, and prioritizing peaceful resolutions, we can build a brighter future for our country and ensure the prosperity of generations to come. Let peace be our guiding light towards a more harmonious and united nation," PS Mbaika added

PS Mbaika's call comes after Kenyans took to the streets in protest against the Finance Bill 2024. The protests, marked by violence, were led by a group of youths known as Generation Z. Their actions resulted in property destruction and looting, disrupting normal activities across the country.

Mbaika pointed out that the violent protests not only posed a threat to the future of devolution but also caused significant damage to several county offices. These offices were either burnt down or vandalized, creating a situation where taxpayers will bear the cost of repairs.

The destruction of public property not only hampers the smooth functioning of government services but also undermines the progress and development of the affected regions, she concluded

By emphasizing the need for peaceful resolutions and collaborative solutions, she seeks to address grievances, prevent further escalation of violence, and restore trust and stability in the country.

AUTHOR: Vinson Lui (Kagwi)

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