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Reciting Prayer of Salvation After Pastors Do Not Get Anyone Born Again – Father John Oluoma

opera.com 2024/10/5

Reverend Father John Chinenye Oluoma

In a recent Facebook post shared by Reverend Father John Chinenye Oluoma on Wednesday, July 3, 2024, the topic of being "born again" was passionately discussed, shedding light on its true significance within Christian doctrine.

Addressing a widespread but often misunderstood term, Father Oluoma emphasized the biblical foundation of being born again, drawing from John 3:3-6 where Jesus teaches Nicodemus that one must be born of water and the Spirit to enter the Kingdom of God.

This, according to Jesus, signifies the sacrament of baptism as the gateway to spiritual rebirth and adoption into God's family.

The Reverend criticized modern interpretations that divorce being born again from baptism, noting the trend of individuals proclaiming others must be "born again" without acknowledging the sacramental importance of baptism.

He highlighted the sacraments of baptism, holy Eucharist, and confirmation as integral to Christian initiation within the Catholic Church, emphasizing their role in spiritual regeneration.

"It's in this generation that someone who hasn't received baptism comes wielding a gigantic Bible and asking someone who's baptized: 'Are you born again?'" remarked Father Oluoma.

The Reverend emphasized the apostolic practice of baptism as the means through which individuals were initiated into the faith.

He referenced biblical examples such as Philip baptizing the Ethiopian eunuch and Peter baptizing Cornelius and his household, echoing Jesus' command to baptize in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as foundational to the Christian faith.

In his exhortation, Father Oluoma challenged the contemporary notion that verbal affirmations and personal declarations alone suffice for spiritual rebirth, asserting that baptism remains the ordained sacrament for becoming born again.

"The apostles didn't get anyone born again by asking them to repeat "Lord Jesus, come into my heart, be the Lord of my life, I surrender to you and I acknowledge you as my savior" or any other similar words, they got people born again by baptizing them,' he stated.

He cautioned against a self-styled Christianity detached from sacramental practice, urging all believers to embrace baptism as the authentic path to spiritual regeneration.

"Carrying the bible, quoting it and inviting people to be born again by verbal declaration and acceptance of Jesus as personal Lord and saviour do not get anyone born again, baptism does," Father Oluoma admonished.

"If you ain't baptized, you ain't born again, stop brandishing gigantic Bibles and asking the baptized if they are born again. Go get yours first," he concluded.

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