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"They Don't Want You To Go Anywhere And Can Lead You Astray" -Iginla Warns Against Wrong Association

opera.com 5 days ago

Prophet Joshua Iginla, founder and senior pastor of Champions Royal Assembly, has issued a stern warning about the dangers of wrong association in a recent YouTube video.

According to the prophet, keeping the wrong company can destroy an individual's life, regardless of their potential or achievements.

"Wrong association can destroy you, no matter how great you are. Watch your cycle and the company you keep. Don't walk with people who are going nowhere, with no future ambition or destiny. They don't want you to go anywhere and can lead you astray. Some people will push you into mistakes and then pretend they didn't," Prophet Iginla admonished.

He further warned, "Some people will push you into mistakes and then pretend they didn't. If your best friends are gossipers, you're going nowhere. While others are breaking records, making billions, and achieving their destiny, you're sitting around talking about people who have already succeeded."

The prophet also emphasized the dangers of bitterness and gossip, stating, "The greatest harm you can do to yourself is to gossip about someone who doesn't even know you exist. Bitterness is like taking poison and expecting the person you're bitter with to die."

Prophet Iginla urged his listeners to surround themselves with people who are driven and focused on achieving their goals, rather than those who merely talk without taking action. "Show me what you have achieved, not just talk," he challenged.

With his timely warning, Prophet Iginla has once again demonstrated his commitment to guiding his followers towards a path of spiritual growth and personal development. His message serves as a reminder that the company we keep can either make or break us, and it is up to us to choose wisely.

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