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"Occupy everywhere" Different Towns in The Country Where Demonstrations Have Already Kicked Off.

opera.com 5 days ago

In many areas of the country, protest actions have been held, and the calls for increasing the quality of governance have heightened. Starting from demonstrations against an unfavorable finance bill observed last month, the protests have later transformed into mass demonstrations against the government. This social movement has embraced the slogan ‘Occupy Everywhere’; overarching a spirited call for change.

There are mass demonstrations being experienced in Mombasa, Kisumu, Kisii, Migori, Kitengela and Makueni. At the same time, Nairobi is relatively quiet; however, preliminary data and even videos show that people are congregating in different areas of the capital. The police have been deployed everywhere in the city and anf all shops are closed meaning demontration can start anytime from now.

Despite its favourable economic status, the populace is demonstrating against unequal resource distribution, embezlement and impunity. The tone is still hostile with more potential for aggression as protesters demand drastic changes as well as better governance.


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