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Peter Obi reacts after an 11-year-old boy invited him to his primary school graduation ceremony.

opera.com 2024/6/18

The 2023 Presidential candidate of the Labour Party, Peter Obi has taken to social media to react after an 11-year-old invited him to his primary six school graduation ceremony.

Reacting after the 11-year-old boy, Tolu from Corona School in Gbagada, Lagos invited him to his primary school graduation ceremony, the former Anambra State governor, Peter Obi tweeted: "Today, I was immensely touched by the action of an 11-year-old head boy from Corona School in Gbagada, Lagos. The boy named Tolu on his own took the initiative to invite me as a Special Guest of Honour to his primary school graduation ceremony."

This tweet from Peter Obi reacting after an 11-year-old boy invited him to his primary school graduation ceremony, has attracted reactions from Nigerians and social media users, as some have, commended the boy, while some have commended Peter Obi for honouring the boy's invite.

Here are some screenshots of reactions from Nigerians and social media users:

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