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You Won't Find A Comment From My Posts Where I Came Down On The Personality Of Bola Tinubu–Bwala

opera.com 2024/6/14

Lawyer and former People's Democratic Party (PDP) spokesperson Daniel Bwala gave an interview on TVC about his political background and personal beliefs. Speaking candidly, Bwala disclosed that, before to joining the PDP, he was a devoted follower of President Ahmed Tinubu, a well-known political figure in Nigeria. Bwala made it clear that, in spite of his change of party, he avoided disparaging Tinubu personally in public remarks.

Bwala emphasised his moral position on political allegiance, describing how he made the decision to stick with Tinubu in the face of growing opposition and hardship. He disclosed that the choice to depart from Tinubu's camp was made only because the attacks on him were becoming intolerable. Bwala declared that he will support Tinubu through difficult times, putting devotion ahead of convenience or self-interest.

The former PDP spokesperson described how he actively supported Tinubu in his political endeavours, especially during the primaries when he made a major contribution to Tinubu's cause. By narrating how he went from being a devoted Tinubu fan to joining the PDP, Bwala sheds light on the variables that affected his choice.


Hear him: "You won't find a single comment from my posts where I came down on the personality of President tinubu. When people talk, they should have known that before I went to PDP I was Ahmed tinubu's die-hard supporter but when the attack became so much I decided to go down with him than to betray him when the opportunity came for me to walk away from him. In the primaries of Ahmed tinubu with played the major role to advance his course."

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