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Amos Yakubu: He entered my shop on army uniform, claiming he wanted to make a withdrawal– Victim

opera.com 3 days ago

In a significant breakthrough, the Kaduna Police Force has apprehended a notorious criminal known for his repeated attacks on POS operators in the Sabon Tasha area of Kaduna. The suspect, identified as Amos Yakubu, has been using a deceptive strategy to target his victims, posing as a military personnel to gain their trust.

Amos Yakubu's modus operandi involved wearing a military uniform to lull POS operators into a false sense of security. This disguise enabled him to appear trustworthy and unsuspecting to his victims, making it easier for him to carry out his attacks. His method was effective enough to allow him to execute up to seven separate operations before being apprehended.

The suspect admitted to his crimes, detailing his approach and the extent of his activities. By impersonating a soldier, Yakubu was able to win the confidence of POS operators, only to betray them when they were most vulnerable. His confession highlighted a series of well-planned and executed attacks, which had caused significant distress and financial losses to his victims.

One of the victims, Blessing Yango, recounted her harrowing experience with Yakubu. She described how he approached her shop dressed in a military uniform, requesting to make a withdrawal. Trusting his appearance, she proceeded to assist him, only to be threatened with a knife as he demanded her money.

The victim’s narrative underscores the boldness and ruthlessness of Yakubu’s tactics. Her account revealed the psychological manipulation he employed, exploiting the trust and respect generally accorded to military personnel. This approach not only facilitated his robberies but also amplified the sense of betrayal felt by his victims.

The arrest of Amos Yakubu brings a sense of relief to the affected community and highlights the importance of vigilance and security measures among POS operators. The police continue to investigate the full extent of his operations, aiming to prevent further incidents and bring justice to those affected by his actions.

According to a victim, "He entered my shop on army uniform, claiming he wanted to make a withdrawal. As I prepared my POS machine to process the transaction, he suddenly pulled out a knife and demanded that I hand over my bag containing the money."

Watch the video starting from 02:36

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