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Rivers:I Just Saw a Picture of a Young Man Covered With Bedsheets With Burns on his Chest—Oby Ndukwe

opera.com 6 days ago

As the investigation into the recent explosion at the Rivers State presidential house continues, Sen. Oby Ndukwe revealed that she saw a disturbing image of a young man with severe burns on his chest, wrapped in bed sheets. Oby Ndukwe, Editor-in-Chief of Beam Newspaper, brought attention to the mysterious case during an interview with Arise TV. 

She questioned the reason why the person would want to bomb the presidential house of Rivers State. According to Ndukwe, the police have yet to release any reports or identify the individual, sparking questions about his well-being and the events leading up to his injuries.

According to her, "I'm like, how did they come about this because the police had yet to even give us reports on who the person was, the person involved? Even up till now, we didn't know the identity. I just saw a picture before I walked into the studio of a young man covered with bedsheets and then had some burns on his chest, and then up till now, nobody has been able to identify who the boy is and where he comes from."

Watch the video from 9:42.

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