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Around 9 PM, he said he wanted to escort me back home and suggested we take a shortcut- Kidnapper

opera.com 5 days ago

A young woman who joined a gang to abduct a pastor shared her story after being caught by the police in Edo State, Nigeria.

In a video aired by Channels TV, the woman recounted the sequence of events leading to her abduction. She described how her boyfriend had invited her out for dinner that day. Around 9 PM, on their way back, he proposed taking a quicker route to her house. Unaware of his ulterior motives, she agreed. They ended up in a stranger's backyard, and when she asked about their location, her boyfriend threatened her. He brandished a firearm, coercing her into compliance with his instructions, leaving her fearful and with no choice but to obey.

She recounted, "The day this operation took place, they asked me to come out and get something to eat, so I did. Around 9 PM, he said he wanted to escort me back home and suggested we take a shortcut. We ended up in someone's backyard, and when I asked what we were doing there, he told me to shut up. He (my boyfriend) pointed a gun at my head when I wanted to turn back, so I agreed to do anything he asked me to do."

Funsho Adegboye, the Commissioner of Police in Edo State, stressed the need for parents to carefully supervise their children's activities and acquaintances. He highlighted the significance of remaining vigilant, citing a case where a young woman revealed being coerced by her boyfriend into a kidnapping scheme.

Adegboye urged the public to be vigilant about monitoring their children and wards, emphasizing the importance of observing their behavior and the company they keep. She witnessed one gang member passing a gun to her boyfriend, attributing her involvement in kidnapping to his influence.

This event highlights the risks of peer influence and emphasizes the importance for parents and guardians to stay informed about their children's social circles to prevent them from getting involved in illegal activities.

Please watch the video below and fast forward to: 01:26


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