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Government of Liberia Begins Repatriation of Liberian Refugees from the Buduburam camp in Ghana

opera.com 2024/6/3

The Government of Liberia through the LRRRC has began the process of Repatriating thousands of Liberians from the Buduburam Refugees camp in Ghana.

The Refugees camp in the Central Region of the republic of Ghana hosted Liberian citizens for thirty four years. However, early April of this year, the local chiefs of the Gomoa East traditional area owners of the Buduburam land, reached a decision to demolished the homes of Liberians which left Liberia in the area with no option but homeless in Ghana.

According to the chiefs their action is intended to make way for the construction of road and market along the Kasoa - Winneba Highway in the Central Region of the nation.

Currently thousands of Liberians have temporarily found shelter in Schools and Churches around the Buduburam camp, a situation that prompted the swift intervention of the Liberian government.

Journalist Emmanuel Kortu who visited the Refugees camp further disclosed that the government of Liberia through the LRRRC has with immediate effect hired about 40 Luxurious buses intended to transport over four thousand Liberians that are willing to return back home along with their belongings.

The first batch of the former Liberian Refugees are expected to take off from the camp on May 22, 2024.

Meanwhile the Ghana Refugees Board has relocated 500 Liberians with Refugees status to the Christian Camp, the former Sierra Leonian Refugees camp in the Western Region of Ghana.

According to the Refugees Board the 500 Liberians are the only recognized Refugees per their records.

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